
Masterpieces. The William Rubin Collection


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Masterpieces. The William Rubin Collection
Masterpieces. The William Rubin Collection

Dialogue of the Tribal and the Modern

by Phyllis Hattis
The book of the Rubin Collection exhibition commemorates the 50th anniversary of the death of Pablo Picasso
This monograph celebrates William Rubin (1927-2006) and his impact on the world of modern art. Renowned as the Director of Painting and Sculpture at the Museum of Modern Art from 1967–1988, Rubin was recognized for his infallible eye and resounding voice heard equally by contemporary post-WW II generations of artists, art historians, curators, and collectors on the world stage.
His unprecedented acquisitions for MoMA’s collection and the groundbreaking exhibitions that showcased them were accompanied by monographs that have become essential reading to the history of art.
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These include: Picasso and Portraiture (1996), Picasso and Braque: Pioneering Cubism (1989), and perhaps most importantly “Primitivism” in 20th Century Art: Affinity of the Tribal and the Modern (1984).
In contrast to previous volumes, this publication focuses on Rubin’s private collection— providing rare introspections on how he lived, what he wrote and the objects with which he surrounded himself.
Portrayals of his personal relationships written by artists artists Frank Stella and Richard Serra, art historians Francis Naumann, Fred Lamp, Bernard de Grunne, and Ulf Ku¨ster, writer Adam Gopnik, and fellow collector Ronald Lauder all contribute to our understanding of his vision.
Phyllis Hattis Rubin, art historian and wife of William Rubin, contributes the principal the essay: “Living with Bill: an Artful and Art-filled Life”. This 400-page book accompanies a traveling international exhibition of the collection, and is sumptuously illustrated with fullpage plates and details.
These images illuminate a dialogue between tribal and modern masterpieces, beginning with the Cubist movement that invigorated the art of Cézanne for the early modernists as Picasso, Dubuffet, Giacometti, and Matisse by absorbing the power and innovation of tribal sculpture.
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Anno di pubblicazione2023
Formato25.4 x 29.2cm
Illustrazioni a colori352
spedizioni Spedizioni su territorio nazionale e all'estero in 4/5 giorni lavorativi.


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